To Nofima after 11 years at Mowi
By Ole Andreas Drønen at
Truls Wergeland is now embarking on new challenges as head of the Feed Technology Centre at Nofima.
Truls Wergeland (37) has worked for Mowi for 11 years, mostly on the production of ballan wrasse in Øygarden. To, Wergeland emphasizes that ballan wrasse is an advanced farmed species, and the challenges have been many – but he says it has also made the job exciting.
Now he is ready for the job as head of the Feed Technology Centre at Nofima.
«Having the opportunity to work with feed production for different farmed species gives me the opportunity to learn a lot, while at the same time working on something that I know has a significant effect on the farmed species. The fact that feed is produced for everything from salmon to sea urchins here makes it extra exciting,» he says.
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